- Noah Smith, "Indonesia: The Most Amazing Development Story on Earth?"
- Noah Smith, "Checking in on the Global South"
Bagi Noah Smith, mereka hanya akan mampu melakukan conditional connvergence, dengan prasyarat karakteristik institusi dan human capital seperti negara-negara Utara. Salah satu kawasan yang sedang berada di jalan yang benar adalah Asia Tenggara.
Decolonization left poverty, shattered institutions, and artificial borders in its wake. Countries of the Global South immediately started turning things around, but the momentum of post-colonial chaos, exacerbated by the Cold War, made it a hard ship to turn. But as the Cold War ended, post-colonial wars were resolved, and the Global South rebuilt its institutions, the underlying laws of economic growth started to take over.
Connvergence membuat konsep Global South pada akhirnya tidak relevan. Namun, apakah kawasan-kawasan lainnya juga mampu melakukan perjalanan ini?
- Nermeen Syaikh, "Amartya Sen: A More Human Theory on Development"
- Irfan Ardhityo, "Anak Tiri bernama DPD"