Before the Flood is a documentary film designed with interesting and surprising story at once. This film is directed by Fisher Stevens and hosted by Leonardo DiCaprio. It is a warning about climate change climate crisis, tells the impact and solutions that mankind should do.

Leonardo DiCaprio, an actor and United Nations Messenger of Peace, traveled to some countries to see how devastating the impact of global warming is for the earth and poor people.

This film pictures some perspectives and dialogs about the global climate crisis from the scientists, government, and locals that experience the impact directly. There are figures taking part in this film, such as Barrack Obama, Ban Ki-Moon, Alejandro G. Inarritu, Elon Musk, Sunita Narain, and Pope Francis.

They agree that the crisis is real.

In the beginning, you are introduced to the story of “The Garden of Earthly Delight” painting by Hieronymus Bosch. Its three panels hang on DiCaprio's crib. Every panel tells its own story about the earth and the human condition.

Bosch’s painting is not only a warning about the future. It precisely captures human civilization.

The film tells us that the climate crisis has appeared in our backyards. We consciously made this earth dying: the burning of fossil fuels, natural gas, and forest release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and how we produce foods. The greenhouse effect has detected and changed the climate today.

Those activities are allegorically causing humankind out of the garden of Eden.

Almost every human economic activity in the 21st century is based on fossil fuels. This makes us a destructive force. It is done to fulfill our lifestyle. Every kind of transportation that we use, how we produce food, how we build the city, almost everything we do releases carbon dioxide.

Ice at the poles is melting, the sea level rise, and more dangerous weather pattern, flood, droughts, and forest fires are the impact of climate change.

Yet, people still act like nothing happened and are ignorant.

However, 97 % of climate scientists agree on this issue. But, it is still a long way to go. Massive media campaigns are created by politicians and the fossil fuel industries to avoid their responsibility.

The film pictures China as the number one polluter country in the world. Pollution has affected people's health so badly. Environmental issues are the biggest reason people push the government’s regulations. It works! It helps China’s transition to green growth and renewable energy.

There is an issue in developing countries in Asia and Africa. India is the number three polluter country in the world. But, there are 300 million citizens that have no access to electricity. It means that climate change is as challenging as the economic issue. The government wants to make sure every citizen has access to electricity. And the cheapest way to make it work is to burn fossil fuel.

Kiribati and archipelago states in the Pacific are affected by rising sea-level. The countries are the least to contribute to climate change. But, they will experience the worst scenario of the climate crisis.

There will be a number of solutions. It can begin with our personal choices like changing our diet and politically by pushing the people in power: regulating fossil fuel industries.

The climate conference in Paris is an excellent promise. The global countries agree to hold the global temperature. If 195 countries can be united against this issue, it will open a chance for the transition to a stable planet.

But, we have to do it right now! ’Cause, we are sure that climate crisis is already happening in our backyard.